

I was very inspired by what happened in the session we played of Downfall for Directing and Script writing, so even though it doesn’t really follow a story format I decided to write an internal monologue during the final scene from one of the characters who wasn’t actually present, but I imagined to be an onlooker. I twisted essentially everything that happened to make it a bit more dramatic and fit my vision more, since that’s not entirely what the game was about but in writing you have free reign.

You can read it here.

First Story for D&S – Follow Me

First Story for D&S – Follow Me

In Directing and Scriptwriting, our first project was to play a storytelling game, called Follow, and write a story inspired by it. It didn’t have to be based on what happened specifically, but there was one scene in particular that I was very inspired by, so I took on the essence of it, the main points, and rewrote it in a way that is more suited to a story format. However, its still very dialogue heavy, which is always what my writing tends towards.

My blog ruins the formatting, so you can read it here.